About Us

About Us


Vishwa Jagriti Mission

His Holiness Shri Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj – The visionary man, who truly believes in servitude to mankind is the true service to Divine, sprouted a small plant with the seeds of his thoughts and called it Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM – meaning Awareness of the World). With the unidirectional aim of true service to mankind, the Mission was setup in the year 1991 on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navmi. Service to mankind, humanitarianism, brotherhood and benevolence were the founding aims of this mission. Following the footsteps of Her Father and Guru, Dr. Archika Didi, Vice Chairperson-Vishwa Jagriti Mission, envisioned since an early age, a moral society which is filled with dignity and prosperity. Being a spiritual & Meditation Guru and a philanthropist, her continuous efforts were to help the needy in all possible manners. VJM was established keeping in mind the most beautiful cause of human welfare. ‘Nar Sewa Narayan Sewa’ has always been the motto. Apart from it, her meditation retreats and spiritual talks have comforted seekers at large. Today, that small sprout has grown into a sprawling tree that has its strong foundation on the firm ideals evangelized by Maharaj Shri. Its branches are adorned with the thick foliage of support and devotion from the innumerable devotees and they provide cool shelter to the mankind suffering from the oppressive heat of life. Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) has established it’s headquarter and main office at the strategic and picturesque Anand Dham Ashram with more than 80 Mandals and Sewa Samitis all over the country and abroad for the up-liftment of the less privileged; service to the poor and down-trodden; for dissemination of faith and religion and selfless service to mankind. These blissful waves of spirituality, positive thought and service to mankind have swept across the nation and transformed the lives of millions of people in India and abroad. Maharajshri, an epitome of goodness, have over six million devotees all around the world who acknowledge him as their intimate friend, father, philosopher, guide, and a blessed soul, always guiding them on the path of humanity and spirituality. His radiance of divine consciousness has today made the Vishwa Jagriti Mission a symbol of love, spirituality and humanity. The mission is based on the golden principles of service, devotion, contentment, meditation, co-operation, dedication, tolerance and sympathy. With the inspiration of Swami Sadanand and Swami Muktanand, meditation, yoga, and devotional prayers were included in the curriculum of the Mission.


About The Founder

There are crests and troughs of multitudinous thoughts in the vast ocean of life in every era. Celestial and blessed souls have time-and-again incarnated in the form of Masters and have helped mankind sail over this deep ocean, tempering ferocious waves of doubts and ignorance in the boat of infinite knowledge.

His Holiness Shri Sudhānshu Ji Mahārāj is the divine idol of this era.

He has mesmerized his devotees through his words and has captivated their minds through his dulcet voice. The sermons and bhajans by Him have an everlasting effect on the audience.

Maharaj Shri, as his devotees fondly address him, has an extraordinary style of expressing a deep and profound truth in simple-yet-impactful words that is unparalleled.

Such is the magnetism and spiritual aura of Maharaj Shri.


About Didi

Dr. Archika Didi’s divine spirit came into existence of this physical and spiritual world by the grace of His Holiness Shri Sudhanshuji Maharaj, her father. She has been brought up with love and divine knowledge. Getting the best education, along with divine spiritual knowledge; she became a well placed doctor and completed two doctorates in “Alternative Medicines” and “Yogic Sciences”; realizing her main motive in life, to heal what’s on the inside and not merely what’s on the outside, via meditation and yoga.


Organizational Structure

The temple is a design to dissolve the boundaries between man and the divine. Not merely His abode, the temple is ‘God’. Temple is a place of worship of Supreme power, leading man to ultimate enlightenment. A pilgrimage for thousands of disciples of Maharajshri in Anand Dham, Siddheshwar temple and Navgrah-Shani temple have been beautifully constructed. The principles of architectural design and construction have been kept in mind, while these temples were constructed.

Other Temples and Ashrams are; Onkareshwar Mahadev Mandir, Mansarover Garden, Radha Madhav Mandir, Krishna Nagar (Delhi), Sanatan Dharam Hanuman Mandir (Faridabad), Gauri Shankar Mandir (Panchkula), Shri Somnath Mandir (Panipat), Shivalik Dham Ashram (Dehradun), Amrit Dham Ashram (Hyderabad), Divya Lok Ashram (Moradabad), Govind Dham Ashram (Patiala), Divya Nirmal Dham Ashram (Nagpur), Siddhi Dham Ashram (Kanpur), Paawan Dham Ashram (Karnal), Vardan Lok Ashram (Thane), Sadhana Dham Ashram (Kullu- Himachal Pradesh), Satya Lok Ashram (Kaithal-Haryana).


About Vjm

Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM)  has established it’s headquarter and main office at the strategic and picturesque Ānand Dhām Āshram with more than 80 Mandals and Sewa Samitis all over the country and abroad for the up-liftment of the less privileged; service to the poor and down-trodden; for dissemination of faith and religion and selfless service to mankind. These blissful waves of spirituality, positive thought and service to mankind have swept across the nation and transformed the lives of millions of people in India and abroad. Maharajshri, an epitome of goodness, have over six million devotees all around the world who acknowledge him as their intimate friend, father, philosopher, guide, and a blessed soul, always guiding them on the path of humanity and spirituality. His radiance of divine consciousness has today made the Vishwa Jagriti Mission a symbol of love, spirituality and humanity.

The mission is based on the golden principles of service, devotion, contentment, meditation, co-operation, dedication, tolerance and sympathy. With the inspiration of Swami Sadanand and Swami Muktanand, meditation, yoga, and devotional prayers were included in the curriculum of the Mission.

The various programmes operational in the Mission’s umbrella are:

• Mahārishi Ved Vyās Gurukul Vidyapeeth

• Karunā Sindhū Charitable Hospital

• Yugrishi Arogyadham

• The White Lotus

• Old Age Homes for Senior Citizens

• Orphanage Centres

• Yuvā Manch

• Bal Vikas Yojna

• Disaster Management Programmes

• Blood Donation Camps

• Kāmdhenu Gau Sanrakshan

• Tribal Development Programmes

• Satsang, Yogā & Meditation Programmes


About Mandals

Over the years, the idea developed and the seed of free child education became a tree. When other people joined the mission they watered the sapling, nurtured the blooming plant, and watched it grow into a tree with strong roots and fruitful branches. VJM over time specialized in its approach and commenced hitting areas, which required the most attention.Needy children have an amazing set of survival skills. Imagine the possibilities,if only we provide them with the necessary. That relies on us.Over the years, the idea developed and the seed of free child education became a tree.

When other people joined the mission they watered the sapling, nurtured the blooming plant and watched it grow into a tree with strong roots and fruitful branches. VJM over the time specialized in its approach and commenced hitting areas, which required the most attention.It is often said, and it could not be any more real, that our future lies in the hands of the next generation.

It becomes essential for us to fulfill our duties and give back to society by teaching the young ones. Working as a torchbearer for the underprivileged children in the society, Vishwa Jagriti Mission took initiative for the welfare of the young ones who end up working at a very young age to support their families. Most of the children that VJM adopts and supports are rescued from the evils of rag picking, child labor, domestic violence, illiteracy and what not. It becomes an obligatory duty for society to free such children from the miseries of such life and help them grow as independent citizens.

VJM completely supports such children morally, socially, educationally, financially, and physically. At VJM, we believe that the young ones are like wet cement; they take an impression of whatever is pressed on them. It is essential for us, the older generations, to redirect them on the right path and to give them the affection and nurturing that they deserve. VJM supports such children not out of sympathy but because we believe that they serve deprived humans to serve God. Let us all join hands to mitigate the sufferings of such children.Child sponsorship is a unique relationship between you and your sponsored child. When you become a VJM Sponsor, you will help a child get free from the clutches of poverty and gift the child a future full of hope. It is also a relationship that extends to the child’s family and the community.


Vjm Mission & Vision

Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM)  has established it’s headquarter and main office at the strategic and picturesque Ānand Dhām Āshram with more than 80 Mandals and Sewa Samitis all over the country and abroad for the up-liftment of the less privileged; service to the poor and down-trodden; for dissemination of faith and religion and selfless service to mankind. These blissful waves of spirituality, positive thought and service to mankind have swept across the nation and transformed the lives of millions of people in India and abroad. Maharajshri, an epitome of goodness, have over six million devotees all around the world who acknowledge him as their intimate friend, father, philosopher, guide, and a blessed soul, always guiding them on the path of humanity and spirituality. His radiance of divine consciousness has today made the Vishwa Jagriti Mission a symbol of love, spirituality and humanity.

The mission is based on the golden principles of service, devotion, contentment, meditation, co-operation, dedication, tolerance and sympathy. With the inspiration of Swami Sadanand and Swami Muktanand, meditation, yoga, and devotional prayers were included in the curriculum of the Mission.

The various programmes operational in the Mission’s umbrella are:

• Mahārishi Ved Vyās Gurukul Vidyapeeth

• Karunā Sindhū Charitable Hospital

• Yugrishi Arogyadham

• The White Lotus

• Old Age Homes for Senior Citizens

• Orphanage Centres

• Yuvā Manch

• Bal Vikas Yojna

• Disaster Management Programmes

• Blood Donation Camps

• Kāmdhenu Gau Sanrakshan

• Tribal Development Programmes

• Satsang, Yogā & Meditation Programmes
